Source code for neat.requester.obvius

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017 Stephen Bunn (
# GNU GPLv3 <>

import urllib

from .. import const
from ._common import AbstractRequester

import blinker
import requests

[docs]class ObviusRequester(AbstractRequester): """ The requester for the Obvius server. """ _request_endpoint = '/setup/devicexml.cgi' def __init__( self, device_id: int, obvius_ip: str, obvius_user: str, obvius_pass: str, obvius_port: int=80, timeout: int=10, **kwargs: dict ): """ The Obvius requester initializer. :param device_id: The id of the Obvius device to request :type device_id: int :param obvius_ip: The IP of the Obvius server :type obvius_ip: str :param obvius_user: The auth username of the Obvius server :type obvius_user: str :param obvius_pass: The auth password of the Obvius server (readonly) :type obvius_pass: str :param obvius_port: The port of the Obvius server (80) :type obvius_port: int :param timeout: The request timeout period (10 seconds) :type timeout: int :param kwargs: Any additional attributes for valid record creation :type kwargs: dict """ self._device_id = device_id self._timeout = timeout (self._obvius_ip, self._obvius_port) = (obvius_ip, obvius_port) (self._obvius_user, self._obvius_pass) = (obvius_user, obvius_pass) self._meta = kwargs def __repr__(self): """ Generates string representation of the obvius requester. :returns: A string representation of the obvius requester :rtype: str """ return (( '<{self.__class__.__name__} ' '({self._obvius_ip}:{self._obvius_port}) {self._device_id}>' ).format(self=self))
[docs] def request(self) -> None: """ Request information from the obvius. :returns: Does not return :rtype: None """ const.log.debug(( 'requesting device `{self._device_id}` status from ' '`{self._obvius_ip}` ...' ).format(self=self)) try: requests.get( urllib.parse.urljoin( ( 'http://{self._obvius_ip}:{self._obvius_port}' ).format(self=self), self._request_endpoint ), auth=(self._obvius_user, self._obvius_pass), params={'ADDRESS': self._device_id, 'TYPE': 'DATA'}, hooks=dict(response=self.receive), timeout=self._timeout ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout as exc: const.log.error(( 'connection timeout occured after `{self._timeout}` seconds ' 'for device `{self._device_id}` at `{self._obvius_ip}` ...' ).format(self=self))
[docs] def receive(self, resp: requests.Response, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ The receiver of information from the requester. :param resp: The response of the request :type resp: requests.Response :param args: Extra arguments of the request :type args: list :param kwargs: Extra named arguments of the request :type kwargs: dict :returns: Does not return :rtype: None """ if resp.status_code == 200: const.log.debug(( 'received response from `{resp.url}` ...' ).format(resp=resp)) self.signal.send(self, data=resp.text, meta=self._meta) else: const.log.error(( 'received invalid response from `{resp.url}` ' '({resp.status_code}) ...' ).format(resp=resp))